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Wall Handstands: The Why and The How!

Handstands don’t happen overnight.

In fact they take months to  achieve and years to master.

Wall handstands are the most important drill to master the handtand

In this article we will go over why wall handstands are important and the different variations to perform. Furthermore we will discuss some tips to help you achieve the handstand faster using the wall.

Why Wall Handstands?

Every practice handstand are realize to keep falling after 1 second? Once you lose balance it  takes another 5 seconds to fall, stand up, and  kick your self back up for the handstand.

This is very time consuming, for every second of practice you re spending 5 not in balance.

Furthermore, it can be exhausting falling and rising over and over again and soon you will notice you are out of breathe and are having a harder time balancing.

Thankfully the wall can reduce the wasted time and energy drastically, each time you lose balance you just rest on the wall and lightly kick off to get back to balance.

How To Wall Handstand

Front-to-wall Handstand

Front-to-wall Handstand

Front To Wall Handstand vs Back To Wall Handstand

There are two variations of the wall handstand. Either you have your Face to Wall handstand or Back To Wall Handstand.

We recommend back to wall because it is easier to get in and out of and is way less intimidating for people.

How to Perform the Back To Wall Handstand

1) Face the wall, and get into a track start position while your hands around 10 cm or 4 inches away from the wall and your hands shoulder width apart.

2) Kickup and try to get into a handstand

3) If you overshoot and hit the wall. gently push off of the wall and try to hold a handstand. If you undershoot and fall back down, kick up again.

4) Whenever you lose balance. Kick back up if you fell onto the ground to or gently push of the wall if you fell onto the wall.


Super Useful Tips for Wall Handstands!

Banana Handstand

1. Avoid Banana Handstands

One issue with the Back to Wall Handstand is that it becomes tempting to have a banana handstand. Use a camera once in a while to take video from the side to see your handstand posture.

2. Use Chalk

When you practice handstands especially in the beginning, you will be using your fingers to make microadjustments to maintain your balance. Very quickly your hands will start getting sweaty making it much harder to perform the micro adjustment.


3. Warm Up Your wrist

When learning to handstand, you will be doing a lot more micro adjustments than when you have mastered handstands. Microadjustments are also very hard on you wrists. We recommend warming up extensively beforehand.

4. Do this exercise between sets!

This movement shown in the video below is amazing for relieving wrist pain for handstand. It also strengthens the antagonist muscles to prevent any muscular imbalances.

About the Author

Remy started calisthenics in 2014 and has mastered advanced movements such as the one arm pull-up, front-lever, one arm muscle-up and more.

